Wednesday, September 19, 2012


My last blog observed the ridiculousness of digressing from 35mil photographic quality to a blurry iPhone photo - and thinking it's cool.

Here's another one. Texting.

How often do you text instead of phoning? I text at a 20:1 ratio. How long does it take to write a text, wait for a response, respond as best as you can in a text and wait again? A simple conversation about meeting for dinner takes about a dozen texts to convey, in 10 minutes.

A phone call would take 10 seconds. Bam! Dinner is confirmed.

But still we prefer to text rather than phone!

Are we hiding behind a text and avoiding the verbal communication?  Maybe it's our way of filtering? Whatever it is, we are now typing with our thumbs, vastly mis-spelling every other word because of our fat thumbs and allowing the typo-correction-police who live somewhere inside the phone, figure out the correct spelling, which by the way, is often a very "wrong word"!

I wonder what Alexander Graham Bell would think of that!

I bet the iPhone 6 won't have a microphone.

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